by Antoinette Lovice
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Discover Prompts # 7 BELOW

Often I get a random thought in my mind and I wonder Where did that come from?

I have a brain that literally never shuts down I am usually on a computer or my phone trying to figure out why or trying to find a way to ease the Anxiety it causes. I have come to a rather surprising conclusion that there are a lot of things BELOW my SUBCONSCIOUS MIND that I was either unaware of or just blocked out.

Well HOT DAMN !!! When the BELOW wants to come UP to the surface please be ready for the unexpected to happen. Unexpected in ways that I really could not understand at first. Then It was like a light switched on and I started to see things about myself and my past life I was blown away.

OMG !!! Is this BELOW ?? Is this where we hide the bones, the heart aches, embarrassments, traumas, the GOOD and BAD ? Damn it’s going DOWN BELOW . My BELOW had me SHOOK what the hell happened to me BELOW , how did i forget about the BELOW ? Well when BELOW knocked on the door upstairs I almost passed out, but I put on my BIG GIRL panties and opened the door for BELOW . BELOW and I had a very long conversation about what was going on in my BELOW and we both decided to make some changes.

Our conscious mind is where all of our thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams and memories are stored. Our subconscious mind, stores feelings, urges, and memories that are beyond our conscious mind. The things we suppress in our subconscious mind are pain, anxieties, or conflicts. Our subconscious dictates our overall behavior, motives, and decisions. I think understanding this better has helped me release a lot of traumatic memories I did not even realize was truly holding me back.

The next time my BELOW comes knocking on the door I will gladly open up .

What is in your BELOW ?

Many Blessings 🧠

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