
by Antoinette Lovice

Hello Beautiful People! My Name is Antoinette Lovice Walker-Brown, My friends call me Lovie. I currently live in New York City and I love my city. I have been inspired over this past year to start making better choices for my LIFE! Since the beginning of March 2020 I have been completely driven to go after what I want and start LIVING MY BEST LIFE!!!

 I have had such a STRONG and SUDDEN change in my personality and I manage to stay HAPPY AND OPTIMISTIC most of the time! It’s time to spread the LOVE and LIGHT!

HEALING HEARTS BREAK-THROUGH was born because everyone deserves to have a whole HEART, free of pain and HEART BREAK.  I feel I was born to help and serve others in any capacity I can. This website is a place for anyone who feels the need of SUPPORT, LOVE and a HELPING HAND. 

The ultimate goal is to open a community center in Harlem New York for our children. There are far too many HOMELESS, LONELY and HUNGRY CHILDREN in NEW YORK. The plan is to have a place for them to feel LOVED, SAFE and UNDERSTOOD!! It is our duty to care for each other especially the future of OUR CHILDREN.